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Registration is required for all 2024 AMBS participants. Please follow the instructions to complete online registration as soon as possible and no later than October 11th, 2024.

Registration Fee (Pay in Advance)

  • Early Registration 

    • Student 70 USD (2,000 THB)

    • Regular 150 USD (5,000 THB)

  • Regular Registration 

    • Student 90 USD (3,000 THB)

    • Regular 180 USD (6,000 THB)

(Expired Oct. 11th, 2024)

(Expired Sep. 15th, 2024)





  • The registration fee would be non-refundable.

  • Please complete both registration form and fee payment to avoid the removal of presentations.

  • Please input your name in English for the payment.


Registration Steps

​​​1. Fill In the Registration Form and Submit the Abstract ​Click here to access the registration form and abstract submission form.

After abstract submission, you will receive a confirmation letter with a registration code. 


Participants who wish to attend the 5th AMBS 2024 without submitting an abstract, please click   here.

​After abstract submission, you will receive a confirmation letter with a registration code.

​​​2. Complete a payment 

​To complete the registration of the symposium, please check your registration code and Merchant Reference on the payment link in the responding e-mail from the 5th Asian Marine Biology Symposium registration support and pay the registration fee by credit card.

Early Registration Fee

         Student 70 USD (2,000 THB)  Regular 150 USD (5,000 THB)

Regular Registration Fee     

         Student 90 USD (3,000 THB)  Regular 180 USD (6,000 THB)

Once the transaction is complete, you will further receive an email confirming receipt of payment within 2-3 business days.

(Expired Sep. 15th, 2024)

(Expired Oct. 11th, 2024)



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